Setting up Payroll

In order to set up Payroll a few things are needed. 1. First within Company Settings > Payroll Preferences

Within your Company Settings > Payroll Preferences by default you should see your Pay Schedule automatically set up by your Account Manager/Customer Success team. It will have the proper Payroll Start Date and Payroll Frequency. Paismo offers Payroll Frequencies of Weekly, Bi Weekly, Twice a Month and Monthly.

  1. Next, within Company Settings > Work Schedules

Within Company Settings > Work Schedules, ensure that your Work Schedules are set up per your preference. By default Paismo creates a default Work Schedule of 9am-5pm. Feel free to edit this one or create a new one. You are able to create multiple Work Schedules and assign them to different Departments.

Note, Paismo needs Work Schedules to be populated in order for Timesheets, Schedules or Payroll to run.

After setting up Work Schedules, set up your Paid Time Off policies. If your company does not have one, you can simply use Paismo's default Time Off Policy or create one with 0 balances.

  1. Next, within Company Settings > Departments

Ensure that all of your Departments have been set up with the proper Work Schedules and Paid Time Off Policies assigned. All of your Employees must be under a Department. Paismo automatically generates a "Default Department" if you have an Employee that is pending on Departments.

  1. Next, time to set up your Payroll Fields.

    1. Paismo allows you to set up Custom Payroll Fields. Please click on the link for more details on how to set them up.

      1. Normally, we recommend starting off with "Basic Salary" and "Taxes" for your respective country.

    2. Normally your account will be prepopulated with your proper fields to begin running payroll. Depending on your country, your taxes will be automatically updated based on the tax changes within that country.

    3. We understand that if you were running Payroll before you may want to bring other Payroll Fields from before such as "Retirement Funds" or "Provident Funds", our Bulk Uploader will allow you to do that.

Now that you've set up your Company Payroll Preferences, it's time to ensure your employees are properly set up as Active Users.

Great! Once you have fulfilled all of these steps, you're ready to start running payroll! Our team usually helps set you up for access to run your first payroll. Please feel free to reach out to us at if you need any help.

Last updated